Professional bio
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University (New Brunswick). My work is broadly guided by a desire to better understand the processes controlling global climate on geologic timescales, which also directly affect the chemistry of seawater. Towards that goal, I investigate archives of seawater chemistry (pore-fluids, marine sediments, altered oceanic crust) through a combination of mineralogical data, numerical models, and measurements of stable and radiogenic isotopes (especially Li, Mg, K, and Sr). Beyond understanding the links between ocean chemistry and global climate, I am also interested in the application of isotope geochemistry to track the deep cycling of metals and volatiles in subduction zones and ionic regulation in plant and animal cells.
If you are interested in these topics and/or have cool ideas on how to apply isotope geochemistry to address research questions in geology, biology and environmental science, please contact me. I am looking to recruit students and postdocs and would love to hear from you! You can email me at [email protected].
Short personal bio
I am originally from Recife, a charming coastal city in Pernambuco, Brazil. Homesickness apart, it was thanks to my American, liberal arts education that I was introduced to the wonders of the earth sciences. Shout outs to my alma mater Amherst College and to the wonderful Mr. Koenig, whose charitable work has allowed a number of African and South American students, like myself, to experience one of the best liberal arts curricula out there.
Apart from doing science, I also dig reading memoirs and thrillers, listening to crime podcasts and uplifting TED talks (it's all about balance, folks), and dancing like nobody is watching. If I could sing, science would never had heard of me.